The Western Victorian Climbing Club has zero tolerance for abuse towards any child. We aim to promote a club that is a safe environment for children to participate in, around or be connected to.
Any person found to compromise the rights or the WVCC Child Safe Practices, will be stood down from membership and will face the consequences of mandatory reporting.
WVCC Policy is to champion:
the safety of children
prevent child abuse
effective processes to respond and report all allegations of child abuse.
WVCC with this policy will:
drive change - embedding child safety in everyday thinking and practice
highlight that we all have a role to keep children safe from abuse.
WVCC extends recognition to:
the cultural safety of Aboriginal Children
the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds
the safety of children with a disability.
Standard 1: Governance and leadership
Standard 2: Clear commitment to child safety
Standard 3: Code of conduct
Standard 4: Human resource practices
Standard 5: Responding and reporting
Standard 6: Risk management and mitigation
Standard 7: Empowering children.
WVCC commitment to Children and Young Persons:
Recognise and rectified behaviours identified as being abusive to ensure no harm comes to a child or young person.
Protect children and young people from all forms of abuse, bullying and exploitation
Create and maintain a child safe culture that is understood, endorsed and put into action by all the individuals who work for, volunteer, govern or access WVCC
Acknowledge that protecting children is everyone’s business.
WVCC Child Safe Practices:
No publication (internet or other media) or photograph of a child or young person without parental permission.
Age appropriate restriction to WVCC Facebook to be placed on the members group.
Committee members, Supervisors and partners of the WVCC must have a current copy Working With Children Check. This must be sited by a committee member and a copy held on file by the club.
Parental supervision is adhered to in accordance to WVCC Operations Manual, revised 2020.
To have in place two persons nominated as children and young person’s pathway for concerns.
Non club members will have limited access to club activities in accordance to the WVCC Operations Manual, revised 2020.
There is no reason why child or young person shall be contacted directly by an adult member of this club. It is recognised that the only communication outside of club activities would be for the purpose of this this policy or the promotion of climbing materials and media, in accordance to the child or young person having supplied an email with their membership.
Review annually this policy, feedback related to this policy and implements changes in line with club growth and development.
When you become a member of the WVCC you:
Become an advocate for children and young person’s right to safety
Recognise that not all persons will act accordingly and need to communicate any concerns to the WVCC Committee to rectify or investigate further.